Probiotics as Anti-Viral Agents

Roland Poirier

COVID-19 caused by SARS – CoV-2 is an ongoing illness effecting the whole world .

This virus affects your ability to breathe and directly the protective layer of our lungs.leading to a swelling or inflammation of our lungs. With many folks dying daily, a vaccine and medicine to help battle this are being give to the folks that have really bad cases. Probiotics are live little bugs called friendly bacteria that have been proven helpful effects on you bodies health. While probiotics as nutritional supplements they have been used through out the world in many different countries, the science evidence supports the battle against these virus and general strengthening health effects of the probiotics.

Here, we present an overview of the of all the studies written down in the last 10 years that provide a scientific basis for probiotics as a prevention to these lung infections. Based on everything we could find we identify the families of probiotics that may be the lead soldiers in this battle and help boost your defenses against COVID-19 management.  Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid – 19) is a severe lung infection. When we hear infection we know that that means the body part swells up.When we have swollen tubs or pipes the swelling not only make the organ larger but it also closes the path way we need to bring air to allow us to breath. It is declared a global pandemic by the world health organization (WHO). Unfortunately even after setting in place the best plan of battle and defence, public health measures through out the world, including personal cleansing ,washing your hands often, mask wearing, staying 6 feet away from someone else, lockdowns and just staying away from other people, at the market or church service the number of infections and deaths are on the rise.

The WHO assessment is that the disease may continue to stay around for a long time. We need to be constantly prepared and aware of our surrounding to stop the deaths caused by this virus. When the illness is first seen the patient faces difficulty in breathing, and on its course the disease moves into not allowing a person to breathe. You may show conditions for as long as a week or as little as 1 night and higher risk of spreading the coronavirus to others. A real challenge with this illness is that you may have it but show no signs of any ill feeling this is called non symptomatic or asymptomatic. This is one of the reasons why this illness may spread so fast you really don’t know if the person standing close to you can give it to you or not.  

Probiotics are a non-harmful living organisms providing various health benefits to the human body. The common probiotic strains belonging to the family of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. The use of probiotics in foods such as fermented food like kefir, sauerkraut ,home made yogurt is traditional known to improve nutrition and health by restoring microbial balance in the human gut. Interestingly, in the last two decades several studies have proven the role of probiotics in managing your ability to stay healthy against various disease conditions, specifically viral infections in different animal models and clinical trials.

Study suggests that dietary meals with fiber and probiotic supplements support a stable body immune response system, preventing these ill effects of viral infections.  Various studies have reported the beneficial role of probiotic bacteria namely lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, bacillus subtilis and bifidobacterium In experimental animals models of respiratory tract viral infections. Probiotic interventions lead to Improved animal health, easing symptoms, lowering virus load in the lungs, and helping survival rates.  So who do you believe ? Where do you get the accurate information needed to make a sound decision? We all know that truth in advertising has far gone by the wayside and not reliable .In doing our research we used a list of keywords to search the Internet for this information. We used probiotics, virus, influenza virus, antivirals, respiratory tract infections, microbial strain names, etc. and their combinations to search Pub med, Science direct, and Google Scholar. In this manner, we retrieved 4500 experimental studies published on the subject between 2010 and and 2020. If what we found did not connect us directly to the articles of research then they were discarded. We collected and discussed the published experimental evidence of probiotics effectiveness in preventing virus infections. We studied the insights gleaned from these studies in the infection scenarios.

Finally we list the probiotic strains that may lead to preventing and increase general health and answers to manage COVID-19 and related viral infections.  The human lungs and the tubs that help get air in is exposed to several of these health challenging little bugs. If you were to breathe against a mirror or piece of glass all day long and test steamy film you leave behind you would be able to point out a large number of these bad microscopic bugs. The most of them are not causing a problem because there are not enough together to harm you .also these may not multiply and causes illness as does the virus called cov-19 .It is the primary path for these bad guys to get inside of you . Thus, preventing the viruses absorption onto your living cells of your lung tissue is crucial for reducing disease development. Human body you can find a large range of really good bank of friendly bacteria. Probiotics are also one such friendly set of microbes that positively influence human health when eaten-or taken in a particular concentration. Probiotic strains of lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family can trap the virus and interfere in the virus binding to the whole cells receptors, which is beneficial to your health. Similarly, probiotics can cause health benefits to the human against respiratory viral infection.  

We must give great recognition and appreciation to the researchers that instigated and prepared most of this article.  

CSIR - Institute of Microbial Technology, at Chandigarh India Kuljit Singh and

Academy of Science and Innovation Research, Ghaziabad, India Alka Ray  

As for Us at Nutra-Fix Inc we are excited to share what we honestly feel is our best defense against this covid-19 and many different virus strains we have not yet identified.  

Regards and alway continue the search for new and better knowledge,

Roland and Theresa Poirier, Owners of Nutra-Fix INC.

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